3i Group, Mirova, Banque des Territoires Invest €80m into NEoT Green Mobility

NEoT Green Mobility (NGM) is proud to announce the completion of a successful new round of fundraising to reinforce NGM’s strategy and deployment.

3i group neot green mobility

3i and Mirova, through their respective funds have committed to invest €60m in NGM. Historical shareholder La Banque des Territoires is investing an additional €20m, whilst EDF reaffirms its current commitment to NEoT. Mitsubishi Corporation will exit the fund.

With this combined investment, NGM targets a €400m asset base by 2024 and positions itself as a leading financing partner for mobility operators and local authorities seeking to electrify their fleets or infrastructure.

NGM offers turnkey zero-emission transportation leasing and services solutions to public authorities and transport operators across the UK and Europe. Of particular significance is NGM’s expertise in delivering batteries and fuel cells though an “as-a-service” model; overcoming capex and technological constraints often presented in e-mobility projects.

Aurelien ACHARD, E-Mobility Director at NEoT, said:

The NEoT Capital team would like to thank NGM shareholders for their ongoing trust and confidence, and Mitsubishi Corporation for their previous support. We look forward to deploying further zero-emission projects to support the decarbonisation of transport across the UK and Europe.

Full details can be found at the following link: https://www.neotcapital.com/wp- content/uploads/2021/10/07102021-3i-Group-Mirova-Banque-des-Territoires-invest-80ME- into-zero-emission-mobility-financing-specialist-NEoT-Green-Mobility-.pdf

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