PSI’s Charging Management System at BVG Successfully in Operation after Only Seven Weeks

In November 2020, PSI Transcom GmbH was commissioned by the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) with the delivery of the PSIebus depot and charging management system. This enables the optimal disposition of the electric buses in connection with the charging infrastructure and ensures the best possible vehicle availability. Just seven weeks after the start of the project the PSIsmartcharging management system integrated in PSIebus was successfully put into operation.

psi bvg charging management

The system integrates, monitors and controls the charging infrastructure and coordinates the charging processes. Thus, it converts the operational requirements from the bus sector into a holistic charging strategy and also controls and monitors the preconditioning of the buses. Communication with the depot management system integrated in PSIebus takes place via the VDV interface 463 developed by PSI.

First, the charging stations of the manufacturer Ekoenergetyka were connected. For their technical integration PSIsmartcharging uses the OCPP standard. The functionality was presented and proven in specified test scenarios of the BVG. In the further course of the project, the entire charging infrastructure of the depot of the manufacturers Ekoenergetyka and XCharge will be integrated into the system in phases and controlled centrally.

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), the largest local transport company in Germany, operates a large part of the local public transport in Berlin with subways, trams, buses and ferries. At the turn of the year 2020/2021, the BVG had 138 electric buses in regular service.

Based on its own software products, PSI Group develops and integrates complete solutions for optimizing the flow of energy and materials for utilities (energy networks, energy trading, public transport) and industry (metals production, automotive, mechanical engineering, logistics). PSI was founded in 1969 and employs 2,000 people worldwide.

This article was originally published by PSI Transcom GmbH.

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