We’re in the business of building the safest workshop equipment around.
(We wouldn’t get very far if we weren’t!)
But even the best equipment out there can be dangerous in the wrong hands. And if your teams aren’t properly trained, you could be putting them at risk.

So if you’re setting up shop to service heavy-duty vehicles (or you’re looking to upgrade to a set of our Mobile Column Lifts), you’ll need to bring your whole team up to speed – to get them working safely and efficiently in the quickest and most affordable way possible.
Luckily, there’s a solution that does just that.
Here’s how our Online Mobile Column Lift Training can save you time and money.
You Can Be Sure You’re Compliant
The UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has strict requirements for people using lifting equipment. It’s all covered by LOLER – the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
One of those requirements (and it’s a big one) is that the people who use lifting equipment need to be ‘sufficiently competent’ – with the practical and theoretical knowledge and experience to use the equipment safely, and minimise the risk of harm to themselves and others.
Our Online Mobile Column Lift Training is certified and accredited as a CPD course (Continuing Professional Development) – and it comes with a three-year licence in Mobile Column Lifts once you pass.
That’s a widely recognised seal of approval that proves your competence as an operator of Mobile Column Lifts.
It Won’t Get in the Way of Their Work
Traditional training courses can be difficult to organise, with scheduled days at off-site locations where you’re at the mercy of the training company’s calendar and availability.
It usually means mass-training of large groups at once – and that can mean taking an entire workforce out of action for a day or two. And let’s be honest about things here – if an urgent job comes in on that given day, it might be that the decision is taken to postpone or not attend the training course. The short term issue is addressed, but the longer term issue of having documented training certification for your team remains.
But when you train your staff online, there’s no outside organisation needed at all.
Each member of your team can log on and complete their training at a time that suits them – and more importantly, at a time that makes sense with their own workload and schedule.
With an online course that’s broken up into modules, they can dip in and out of their training when it’s convenient, and come back to pick up exactly where they left off.
They don’t have to travel to a new site, and they don’t have to interrupt their daily working routine.
(And as an added bonus, they won’t get exhausted by cramming a full course into a single day of traditional training.)
It’s Completely Scalable
If you’re running a larger company with hundreds of employees, it can be a huge obstacle to get them all trained – especially if they can’t do their jobs without it.
You’ll be limited by your resources and your facilities: the number of qualified trainers you have available, the amount of equipment that can be used at one time, and the number of spaces you have in a classroom or a workspace.
But when you train your staff through an online course, you don’t have to worry about any of those factors.
You’re no longer limited by the seats in a classroom or the number of qualified trainers. You don’t need to spend weeks working with a new group each day, and you don’t need to take hundreds of workers away from their daily tasks.
With an online course, it’s just as easy to train a thousand employees as it is to train a team of twenty – with the built-in reporting tools and automated reminders that can help your management teams to track and monitor the progress of a huge number of trainees at once.
And the best part?
No matter how many people you’re training, the cost per person is always the same.
It’s Reasonably Priced
If you’re running a smaller business with just a handful of people, you’ve got the opposite problem – you need to hire an expert or an external training company to deliver an entire training course for just one or two people at a time.
But when you take your training online, you’re only paying for what you need, with a fixed price per trainee every time.
Our own Totalkare Online Mobile Column Lift Training, for example, comes with a fixed fee of just £125 per person.
That could be a single new hire who you need to bring up to speed – or an entire team of technicians being introduced to new equipment as you upgrade it. No matter how small or how large your training group is, you’ll always know exactly what you’re paying per person.
Need Some Fresh Training for Your New Lifts?
We’ve been the leading supplier of vehicle lifts in the UK for over 40 years. And our CPD-certified online course has become the gold standard in Mobile Column Lift Training.
For the low cost of just £125 per trainee, you can give your teams the industry-recognised certification they need to understand and operate a Mobile Column Lift safely and efficiently while earning a three-year licence along the way.
It’s a comprehensive training programme split across multiple modules, where your staff will learn about:
- Vehicle lift legislation
- Pre-use safety checks
- Lift positioning and layout identification
- Lighting and floor conditions – including stability, obstructions, and gradient
- Lift controls
- Types of vehicles – including weight, height clearance, and the number of axles
- Isolating power
- Ancillary equipment
And as part of your access to the online portal, your in-house management teams will also get the reporting and monitoring tools they need to keep track of your learners’ progress – to make managing and organising your training even easier.
So if you’re planning to upgrade the lifts in your workshop – or you’re looking to expand your staff with new hires – take a look at our Online Mobile Column Lift Training course, or talk to one of our experts to find out more.
This article was originally published by Totalkare Ltd.