Lumin-Air, IndyGo Partner to Help Reduce Pathogens in Full Fleet of Buses

The Indianapolis Public Transportation Corporation (IndyGo) announced today from the American Public Transit Association (APTA) Expo in Orlando, Florida that it formed a significant partnership to increase clean, breathable air in its buses. Inez Evans, president and CEO of IndyGo, joined Lumin-Air president Dan Fillenwarth with today’s announcement from the Expo floor sharing that it has awarded a full-fleet contract to Indiana-based Lumin-Air to equip all of its buses with MERV-13 equivalent active filtration and UV-C lighting to help continuously clean the air inside its buses. The company’s ongoing commitment to rider and bus operator safety has been heightened during the continued COVID-19 pandemic.

IndyGo, the largest public transportation provider in the state of Indiana, has partnered with Lumin-Air to install state-of-the-art air filtration systems in all its fixed route, BRT and paratransit buses. These systems will operate through the HVAC system while the buses are occupied, continually providing cleaned, disinfected air for riders to breathe.

Inez Evans, IndyGo president and CEO, said:

Rider safety is our number one priority and Lumin-Air will help us take that commitment to the next level. This system will not only generate some of the cleanest air on any bus in the country, but will also give our riders increased peace of mind when riding IndyGo.

Lumin-Air’s COO Andrew Desmarais, said:

Our solution helps remove contaminants from the air in order to reduce the risk of airborne pathogen transmission on transit vehicles and school buses with safe, proven technology.

Fillenwarth, added:

Some companies choose to add chemicals, ions or gases into the air that they claim kills harmful cells in the air people breathe.

Desmarais, continued:

Our patented process uses MERV-13 equivalent active filtration and UV-C lighting, which has been used for decades to remove and inactivate pathogens along with other particulates. MERV-13 filtration and UVC are recommended solutions by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). The Lumin-Air solution keeps UV-C in an enclosure, preventing UV-C from shining on occupants or materials, and helping to capture and inactivate pathogens in the air before recirculating air back into the bus.

Brian Clem, IndyGo risk and safety director, added:

Giving confidence in safety back to our employees and riders is what public transportation needs now and moving forward.

Additional details of IndyGo’s partnership with Lumin-Air, along with a demonstration of the installed system, will be shared back in Indianapolis for media on Monday, November 15, from 10-11 a.m. at IndyGo’s headquarters at 1501 W. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46222.

This article was originally published by Lumin-Air Transit.


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