PRIMA Industries S.r.l.
Prima produces interior and exterior accessories for buses: emergency hammers, pushbuttons, handles, HVAC, key locks, multisets, etc.
Dellner Glass Solutions Ltd
Dellner Glass Solutions is proud to offer bus and coach glazing solutions and fabrications for public transport.
Rhein Composite
Rhein Composite specialises in the processing of fibre-reinforced composites using RTM-technology and light-weight construction.
Masats S.A. produces accessibility systems for the bus and coach sectors, as well as electric and pneumatic doors for buses.
TSL-ESCHA develops and manufactures customized door opening push buttons, signal devices, buzzers and LED signal lights for buses.
Latest Bus Doors & Hatches News
TSL-ESCHA and MAFELEC at the 26th Busworld Europe
Masats Will Present Its Latest Innovations at the UITP Expo
Masats Continues Innovating with The New Sliding Door 028d SLIM
Woodall Nicholson Hydrogen Minibuses with MASATS Doors
The First Hydrogen Bus in Spain with MASATS Doors