The New York Public Transit Association (NYPTA) is a focused, dynamic organization of involved members supporting fully funded, efficient and effective public transportation systems.

NYPTA is a growing and vibrant association that seeks to continually increase membership and the use of its services by providing premier education and advocacy for the transportation industry. It is valued by its members as a diverse and highly effective professional service association that serves the transit industry.

NYPTA has developed programs and services that focus upon and attract a larger percentage of our core constituencies—thereby increasing our membership total. We have enhanced the image of transportation through improved marketing and communications.

The Association works in partnership with state, regional and local agencies to advocate for transit-oriented development in New York State and has put in place an infrastructure that will meet current and future mobility needs. NYPTA undertakes frequent assessments of the industry and its service complements in order to ensure that members are effectively positioned to anticipate and meet market changes and expansions.

The New York Public Transit Association, Inc. (NYPTA) is a not-for-profit association of public transportation service providers, private sector manufacturers and consultants, and state government agencies. The Association was formed in 1983 by representatives of the transit industry committed to the advancement of public transportation in New York State. After over 20 years of operation, NYPTA remains devoted to public transportation development and representing the mass transportation needs of the riding public.

The Association consists of over 110 members, including public transit systems located throughout the state which collectively provide over two billion transit rides on bus and rail annually. Total passenger miles statewide equal nearly a half billion. These Association members consist of upstate and downstate systems in rural, suburban, city and large metropolitan localities, and account for 28% of all transit rides in the country.

NYPTA is committed to:

  • Effective advocacy for public funding and regulatory policies which foster strong and stable transit systems, able to meet the mobility needs of their customers and communities;
  • Providing mediums for exchange of ideas and experience, utilizing conferences, specialized programs, written communications, and telecommunications technology;
  • Sponsoring general and specialized training programs to increase efficiency and effectiveness of its members;
  • Increasing the understanding and awareness by the general public and elected and appointed officials at all levels of government of public transit’s role in the transportation system, and of its ability to cost effectively achieve community objectives in economic growth, productivity improvement, energy efficiency, and environmental improvement;
  • The development of quality, efficient, reliable transportation systems that meet the wants and diverse needs of New York State customers.

NYPTA involves all of its members in the work of the Association. The Association recognizes that broad participation by the managers, board members, and staff of each system will maximize the benefits of membership and contribute to a wider understanding of public transit’s vital role in the quality of life in New York’s communities.


136 Everett Road
NY 12205

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