German bus operator Regionalverkehr Köln GmbH (RVK) has contracted Wrightbus to supply up to 60 of its single decker hydrogen buses to Cologne over the next two years.
The zero-emission-at-the-tailpipe Kite Hydroliner buses will be fully built at Wrightbus’s factory in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. RVK already operates the largest fleet of hydrogen fuel cell buses in Europe, but this is the operator’s first contract with Wrightbus.

Wrightbus Executive Chairman, Jo Bamford, said:RVK already has a substantial hydrogen fleet so for them to order from Wrightbus and recognise us as a leader in the sector is hugely gratifying and a testament to the reputation we’ve built up in the zero-emission sector. The recent appointment of our dedicated European Chief Commercial Officer Jean-Luc Deflandre highlights our desire to grow in the market, and we’re hoping this order marks the start of the roll out of many left-hand drive zero-emission buses in cities across Europe and beyond in the coming years.
The first vehicles will be delivered to Cologne in 2023, while the remainder are due in 2024, adding to RVK’s current fleet of 52 hydrogen buses. The contract includes 20 guaranteed and 40 optional hydrogen-powered WrightBus vehicles. This purchase is supported by funding from the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport.
RVK Managing Director, Marcel Frank said:We have currently received federal funding to expand our hydrogen bus fleet by 2025. The combination of the most economical offer with a robust service concept is the reason why we placed the order with Wrightbus.