IRU is the world’s road transport organisation. We represent the entire industry – bus, coach, truck and taxi, and drive the sustainable mobility of people and goods across the planet.

As the voice of more than 3.5 million companies operating mobility and logistics services in over 100 countries, we lead solutions to help the world move better. IRU’s work supports trade, economic growth, jobs, safety, the environment and communities.

At the heart of IRU are millions of journeys across the planet every day: people and goods moving to where they need to be, in buses, coaches, taxis or trucks, for all, or even just a small part, of their journey.

IRU brings together business, partnering with those who regulate, serve and use our industry by:

  • Being the trusted voice for mobility and logistics
  • Facilitating the transport of people and goods
  • Championing excellence in road transport

Our values

  • We are passionate about what we do
  • We put people first
  • We walk the talk
  • We respect and listen
  • We continuously grow our expertise
  • We keep it simple

The IRU Vision

To be the global leader in connecting societies with safe, efficient, green mobility and logistic

Our Beliefs

  • Prosperity – promoting better mobility and logistics. A more connected world is key to building prosperous economies so IRU and our partners promote clear and transparent standards necessary to build prosperity and growth.
  • People – Standing up for our communities. People are at the heart of our industry so IRU makes our roads safer for all, and tackles the root causes of the increasingly acute driver shortage by fostering harmonised rules and standards designed to ensure safer, fairer working conditions, and a better image of the industry.
  • Environment – Building a more sustainable world. The world is facing a climate emergency, so IRU and our partners advocate a transport, mobility and logistics world in which sustainability becomes a universal, empowering tool to guarantee business success.


IRU Headquarters
La Voie-Creuse 16 (CP 44)
CH-1211 Geneva 20

Visit Website

Call: +41-22-918 27 00