Latest News
Sweden's Skånetrafiken Expands Ridership with Swiftly
Skånetrafiken has partnered with Swiftly to execute a bold vision for expanding public transport in Southern Sweden.
10 New Battery-Electric Buses Enter Service on Queensland's Gold Coast
Australia: Ten new Kinetic battery-electric buses have entered passenger service on Queensland's Gold Coast.
Mauritius Purchases 20 Yutong Buses
Bus manufacturer Yutong has delivered 20 further buses to Mauritius, following a previous delivery of 100 buses to the island nation.
IAA Transportation: PEI Mobility Great Protagonist
PEI Mobility, a supplier of products for the interconnection of articulated buses, attended IAA Transportation for the first time in 2022.
India: Tata Motors to Supply 200 Electric Buses in Jammu and Srinagar
Tata Motors will supply 200 electric buses to the cities of Jammu and Srinagar as part of the Jammu Smart City project.
Equipmake-Powered Electric Bus to Begin Trials in Buenos Aires
Agrale has launched an electric bus in Buenos Aires, Argentina in collaboration with electrification specialist, Equipmake.
Netherlands: VDL to Supply 64 Electric Buses to North Brabant
Arriva has contracted VDL Bus & Coach to supply 64 electric Citeas to expand its fleet in the North Brabant East concession, the Netherlands…
Poland: MZK Orders 8 Solaris Electric Buses for Opole
Solaris has announced that it will supply eight electric buses to public transport operator MZK in Opole, Poland.
European Conferences: Meet With Swiftly This Fall!
The Swiftly team is thrilled to be attending four transport conferences in Europe before the end of the year.
World's Largest Electric Bus Depot Opens in Qatar
Qatar's Minister of Transport has inaugurated the Lusail Bus Depot, which has broken the record for the world’s largest electric bus depot.
New York MTA Orders 5 Nova Bus LFSe+ Electric Buses
Nova Bus has been awarded a contract to supply five LFSe+ 40-foot long-range battery electric buses to the New York State MTA.
New Bus Lane to Improve TriMet Transit Times in Portland, Oregon
The East Burnside Rose Lane project will improve speed and reliability for bus services on TriMet lines 12, 19, and 20 in Portland, Oregon.
Busworld Southeast Asia: Electric Buses and Luxury Coaches
Busworld Southeast Asia was held from 5 to 7 October 2022 in Indonesia. Here are some of the buses and coaches on show during the event.
Flowbird Announces New CEO
Flowbird board member Bertrand Barthelemy has stepped back from his CEO role, announcing his successor in the process.
How Brigade Can Aid Compliance with R159
Leading supplier of driver assistance technology, Brigade Electronics, discusses the new United Nations Vehicle Regulation R159.
Germany: Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr Orders eCitaro Range Extender Buses
Daimler Buses has received an order from Rhein-Neckar-Verkehr GmbH (rnv) for up to 75 Mercedes Benz eCitaro Range Extender articulated buses…
Grayson’s Vehicle Thermal Management System
Grayson Thermal Systems' new Vehicle Thermal Management System (VTMS) delivers industry-leading weight savings and driving range.
Netherlands: Used VDL Bus Batteries to Power RWE Plant in Moerdijk
VDL has announced that intensively used batteries from its vehicles will be reused at the RWE power plant in Moerdijk.
Impact in Yet Another Hydrogen Project
Impact Clean Power Technology is once again involved in the development of a new hydrogen fuel cell system for heavy duty transportation.
Flowbird Smart Ticketing Systems for Bus Operators and Mobility
At the Euro Bus Expo 2022, Flowbird will be exhibiting its latest innovations in smart ticketing, payments and mobile apps for bus operators…