A number of bus and coach companies, big and small as well as well established family businesses have increasingly found that they are not being represented in a way to meet their needs.  Growing concerns about having a voice within the transport industry has opened the way for a new  organisation to become that voice.

The Bus & Coach Association (BCA) officially launched on 5th February 2014 with more than thirty members already signed up, showing immense confidence in the ability of its founder, to actually bring about change.  It is estimated that many more will become members in the coming weeks as they learn what BCA has to offer them in terms of representation at local and national level.

Within the first twelve months, BCA aims to built new relationships with outside agencies and government bodies to try and encourage more joint partnerships to tackle industry problems and thus, helping to restore a brighter future for both bus and coach operators and their passengers.

Legislation is all well and good but it needs to be fair, balanced and introduced only when necessary and by those who have a good understanding of how the industry works.  Anything less will not help operators to run successfully and will not lead to more members of public looking favourably on using public transport. Many professionals within the industry have witnessed so many unfair changes come in that only serve to cripple the industry instead of assisting it.  This must change.  What can BCA’s new members expect it they join?  A brand new focus on what all industry operators want and need.  BCA will look at practicalities, at everyday situations and how current rules can often end up defeating the very reason they were introduced because they are complicated and unworkable.  The time has come when many bus and coach operators are saying enough is enough.

BCA is operated as a non-for-profit limited company, set up by Martin Allen, a long established transport company.  Who better to head this new venture than an industry professional who has seen things from the sharp end?  BCA is pleased to have support from BUSK and the Federation of Passenger Transport Northern Ireland.  Seeking to obtain expert advice via a panel of experts is its next step so that its members can raise issues that can be looked at by those who have the direct knowledge and expertise to give reasoned and balanced responses.

BCA will endeavour to build new and lasting working relationships with industry leaders and providers, government agencies, insurance and legal professionals and also with the media.

Members of BCA can expect a first class service and support that will grow as the new organization flourishes.



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Forest Town
NG19 0GQ

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