The Georgia Transit Association (GTA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving public transportation in the state of Georgia.

Our mission is essential to the future health of public transportation in Georgia. Quality of life, environmental concerns, economic development and personal mobility options are issues that can be greatly enhanced in this state by a balanced approach to transportation investment.

What we do:

  • Work with state legislators to achieve equitable transit outcomes throughout the 123 counties served by public transit in Georgia.
  • Work for stable transit funding throughout the state.
  • Provide a forum exchanging information, ideas and experiences.
  • Promote a public transit’s image throughout Georgia.

As a member, you can help the Georgia Transit Association pursue its mission to:

  • Present the legislative interests of rural and urban public transit entities
  • Provide a forum for the exchange of information, ideas, and experiences
  • Work toward securing adequate and stable funds for public transit
  • Promote a positive image for transit throughout Georgia

GTA Membership Categories:

  • Individual/Student Associate
  • Business Member
  • Urban System Member
  • Specialized/Rural System Member
  • Non-State and/or Division Governmental Agency Member
  • Large and/or Statewide Governmental Agency Member

Members enjoy networking with more than 400 transit professionals, annual awards and recognitions for outstanding and innovative work, Transit Day at the Capitol and our Annual Conference.


327 S 9TH St Suite 1
GA 30224

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