QBIC represents Bus and Coach Operators throughout the entire State. From the Cape to the Coast and west to Mt Isa, QBIC has strong metropolitan and regional bases. QBIC also has an excellent network of Branches where Members have the opportunity to meet and discuss critical issues with other Operators in their areas. These regional Branches are a key advantage QBIC has to ensure all Members have a forum in which to voice their concerns and seek solutions to their problems.

QBIC’s representation is achieved through a well balanced sector Committee structure consisting of the following Committees, School Services Committee, Commercial Contracts Committee and Long Distance, Tour and Charter Committee.

The general control and management of the Association is the responsibility of the Management Committee, which consists of a President, Vice President and Treasurer elected at a General Meeting of the Members and six other representatives drawn from the elected sector Committees.

The Queensland Bus Industry Council was incorporated on the 27th of April 2000 following the amalgamation of the Bus & Coach Association (QLD) Inc and the Bus Operators Association (QLD) Inc.

QBIC Member Benefits

Membership provides Bus and Coach Operators in Queensland with the following benefits:

  • A dedicated Secretariat and sector Committee for representation at the Local, State and Federal levels
  • As the peak Industry body in Queensland, QBIC provides excellent relationships in partnering the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TransLink Division) and the State Government
  • Queensland Bus Industry Council is the only Bus and Coach Industry body that sits with DTMR and Government on the Governments various Strategic Forums
  • QBIC is represented on the Governments Bus Safety Forum
  • Free advertising of Bus and Coach sales in the company EBulletin
  • Free advertising of business sales in the company EBulletin
  • Regular updates of key Industry issues through the QBIC EBulletin, News (quarterly magazine), emails and website
  • Access to the Members only area of our website
  • Industrial Relations advice and assistance through QBIC’s IR consultant
  • Access to the national Bus Industry Confederation (BIC) website
  • Access to the Australian Public Transport Industrial Association (APTIA)
  • Free Queensland Bus Industry Council News (quarterly magazine)
  • Member rates for the annual State Conference and Australasian Bus and Coach Exhibition
  • Access and invitation to QBIC Regional Member Forums and Workshops



Suite 6
96 Cleveland Street
QLD 4120

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Call: +61 (07) 3397 1700