Established in 1967, the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA) is a non-profit industry association which comprises Japan’s fourteen manufacturers of passenger cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles. Its organization today is the result of the merger of the Japan Motor Industrial Federation (JMIF) and the Japan Automobile Industry Employers’ Association (JAIEA) with JAMA in May, 2002.

Automobile manufacturing integrates many supporting industries, and automobile use is the focus of a wide range of related industries. Directly or indirectly, roughly 8% of Japan’s working population is involved in auto industry-related work. Auto production furthermore accounts for 18% of the total value of Japan’s manufacturing shipments and for 40% of the value of the machinery industries’ combined shipments. The automotive industry is thus one of the Japanese economy’s core industrial sectors. The globalization of auto manufacturing also contributes significantly to local and national economies around the world.

JAMA works to support the sound development of Japan’s automobile industry and to contribute to social and economic welfare. As directions in auto manufacturing increasingly influence the world we live in, JAMA takes its role and mission ever more seriously, on the road to sustainable mobility.

JAMA Objective

To promote the sound development of the Japanese automobile industry and contribute to social and economic welfare.


  • Conducts studies and surveys related to automobile production, distribution, trade and use.
  • Assists in the rationalization of automobile production, and helps establish policy for the development, improvement and promotion of production technology.
  • Establishes and promotes policies related to automobile trade and international exchange.
  • Carries out other activities involved in meeting its organizational objectives.



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