Founded in 1983, the Oklahoma Transit Association is the state’s voice for public transit. OTA’s membership is comprised of the 34 urban, small urban, suburban, rural and tribal transit agencies in the state who share the common priority of providing and improving mobility and access for all Oklahoman’s. Industry-related vendors who share that vision also belong to the association through its Associate Member Program. OTA’s mission is to support public transit through advocacy, education, communication and partnerships. The organization’s vision is to be distinguished as a leader in the public transit industry by facilitating the enhancement of mobility and access for all Oklahomans.

OTA Member Benefits

  • Advocacy – OTA advocates on behalf of its members on public transit policy at all levels of government and through public outreach.
  • Education – OTA provides continuing education opportunities for public transit officials, staff and drivers via a vibrant program that includes state, regional, and local training sessions.
  • Networking – the association provides networking opportunities for transit colleagues to interact and share best practices to ensure quality public transportation.
  • Communication – OTA is the voice for public transit in Oklahoma and provides several channels of communications for its members.
  • Marketing – Oklahoma Transit Association helps its members build visibility, community support and ridership.
  • Grant Writing – OTA provides expertise and assistance to its members when applying for grants.


P.O. Box 1215
Oklahoma City
OK 73101

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Call: +1 405-850-9571