Latest News
New Lantal Production Facility Inaugurated
In late October 2019, the new production facility was festively inaugurated. Lantal Textiles. Bus Interiors.
Grayson Thermal Systems - Winner of Best HVAC Products Manufacturer
Grayson have been awarded the prestigious Best HVAC Products Manufacturer 2019 by the 2019 Midlands Enterprise Awards, UK.
Future Project with Lantal Textiles
From September 2019, the French city of Nantes will be introducing new electric buses with material for the seat covers made by Lantal.
Exceeding the Passenger Self-Service Expectation
Together with its S3 Passenger customers Sqills delivers the best-available, inventory, reservation and ticketing solution in the world.
Introducing Jane, Passengera’s AI Travel Assistant
Jane can costs by decreasing needs for human customer care. She can answer questions, inform about safety measures and help in emergencies.