Why Agoria?

Agoria paves the way for all technology-inspired companies in Belgium that increase our quality of life through the development and application of technological innovations. “Improving quality of life”, that’s our main objective.

Agoria’s unique position, special know-how and extensive network form the basis on which we help create the context to strengthen the dream marriage between entrepreneurial drive and technology, for the benefit of four elements that concern each of us:

  • Planet – Technology allows us to protect the environment and climate, meet our energy needs, create a circular economy and build “smarter” solutions.
  • People – Technology is an indispensable tool for stimulating personal development, creating a more efficient work environment and enabling a healthier, safer and more comfortable lifestyle.
  • Society – The way people live together is the foundation of our society. And the fuel for major social changes? From the invention of the wheel to artificially intelligent robots… technology!  The members of the Agoria ecosystem make significant contributions to progress on a daily basis.
  • Industry – Industry is the main engine of economic development and prosperity. Continuous technological innovationenables our companies to differentiate themselves competitively and translate that lead into value creation, jobs and prosperity.

Agoria’s organisational structure is founded on expertise centres, market teams, industry teams and policy units.

Agoria Expertise Centres

Leading experts answer your questions on, among other topics, talent and the labour market, innovation, energy, the environment, socio-legal issues, well-being at work, taxation, regulations and standardization.

  • The Innovation Expertise Centre – The IEC answers any questions from companies on innovation and related topics. Its experts provide inspiration and support companies in the implementation of innovation projects.
  • The Environment Expertise Centre – The Environment Expertise Centre helps companies address the challenges presented by the ever more stringent environmental regulations and the increasing pressure on companies to control their impact on the environment.
  • The People & Organisation Expertise Centre – The People & Organisation expertise centre supports the development and implementation of their HR activities of companies. The support is provided based on their areas of expertise: labour market, social dialogue, education and training courses as well as rules and regulations.
  • The Regulation & Standards Expertise Centre – The Regulation & Standards Expertise Centre advises on general regulations, technical regulations and standardisation, and this at regional, federal, European and international levels.
  • The Energy Expertise Centre – The Energy Expertise Centre helps companies to achieve greater energy efficiency, while contributing to the growth of the technology industry.
  • Data & Statistical Services – The Data & Statistical Services Expertise Centre provides information on the economic development of sectors and markets: e.g. turnover, added value, employment, exports, and investments. We conduct financial analyses and monitor costs and prices (inflation, energy, raw materials, wages, etc.).


The Agoria Market teams help you promote your offering on the market, identify market opportunities for your products or services, and forge sustainable partnerships in Belgium and abroad. We are currently focusing on the following markets: Building & Urban Development; Energy; Financial Services; Food & Beverage; Healthcare; Transport & Mobility; Machine Construction & Production Systems; and Sports & Entertainment Events.

The Transport & Mobility Technology Club serves the developers, manufacturers and suppliers of products, systems and technology solutions intended for the transport and mobility market. The focus is primarily on the automotive sector, freight transport, public transport, transport infrastructure and personal mobility.


By offering advice, tools and organising workshops and networking events, the Agoria Industry teams support you when it comes to meeting the present and future strategic challenges in your industry, whatever the sector: Aeronautics, Space, Security & Defence Industries; Building, Contracting & Technical Services Industries; Digital Industries; Manufacturing Industries; and Materials Industries.

  • Manufacturing Industries serves companies specialising in the production and subcontracting of products, services and solutions intended for the manufacturing industry, in particular transport solutions and smart vehicles as well as production systems.
  • Materials Industries assists not only non-ferrous metal producers, foundries and manufacturers of metal, plastics and composites products, but also companies subcontracting mechanical assemblies.

Policy Units

Experienced Policy units also defend your interests, lobbying at all levels of power.

  • Federal – At the federal level, our priority areas of action centre on the reduction of salary costs, the boosting of competitiveness and the funding of exports.
  • Agoria Wallonie – In Wallonia, Agoria Wallonie’s efforts are focused on cost control, innovation (product, business, process), cooperation with the world of training (work-based training in particular) and alleviating shortages of technological staff.
  • Agoria Brussel/Bruxelles – In Brussels, Agoria Brussel/Bruxelles’ main preoccupation is mobility, along with the promotion of certain talents and the ‘smart city’.
  • Agoria Vlaanderen – In Flanders, Agoria Vlaanderen works to promote an effective industrial policy, the development of technological talent and the support of industrial innovation.
  • Europe – At the European level, our guiding threads are the internal market (the free circulation of products & services, a single digital market, the mobility of workers), the circular economy, energy policy, innovation programmes and external trade.



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