Moving Tennessee Forward

The Tennessee Public Transportation Association (TPTA) is a non-profit statewide organization dedicated to improving public transportation in all Tennessee communities.

Membership includes:

  • Transportation program operators
  • Transportation suppliers and contractors
  • Local governments
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Major employers
  • Small businesses
  • Non-profit community organizations
  • Transportation consultants

Public transportation benefits every segments of society, including individuals, families, businesses, industries and communities. Major benefits include reducing congestion and pollution, saving energy, improving air quality and providing mobility to older adults, people who are disabled, teens and those without their own transportation to reach jobs and medical care.

TPTA is committed to:

  • Increasing the use of public transportation
  • Advocating for increased funding for public transportation
  • Sharing best practices in public transportation among members
  • Disseminating public transportation research and information

Member Benefits

The Tennessee Public Transportation Association invites you to become an Associate Member of TPTA today! Associate Members receive the following benefits:

  • Early notice of our annual conference;
  • Listing on our website and in our membership directory;
  • Discounted advertising in our annual membership directory;
  • Email updates on association news and events;
  • A listing of all TPTA members and their contact information; and
  • The opportunity to network with TPTA members throughout the year.


P.O. Box 210857
TN 37221

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Call: +1 (615) 347-1528