Latest News
TTC Awards Contracts for up to 565 NFI Buses in Toronto
NFI has been awarded new contracts from Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) for up to 565 Xcelsior hybrid-electric transit buses.
Sydney Integrates Electric Bus Charging with Energy Grid
Three Australian companies have launched a trial in Western Sydney to integrate bus depots with the energy grid to charge electric buses.
Everything You Need to Know to Choose Your EV Charging Point
COMECA GROUP presents the essential information needed to choose the right EV charging point for your electric bus fleet.
US DOT to Use Buses to Generate Power During Natural Disasters
The US FTA has published a $1 million NOFO for an initiative to generate power from electric and fuel cell-powered buses.
US: Siemens Provides Electric Bus Charging Infrastructure in North Carolina
Siemens has manufactured charging infrastructure for two of North Carolina's largest transit agencies to aid their electrification efforts.
Australia's First 100% Electric Bus Depot Opens in Queensland
Austalia's first 100% electric bus depot has opened in preparation for 30 new electric buses that will enter service in Queensland.
IT-TRANS 2022: Meet With Swiftly in Germany This May!
The Swiftly team is thrilled to be back on the road attending our first transit conference of the year in Europe, IT-TRANS.
PSI and Moveo to Present Solutions for E-Mobility and Personnel Dispatching at IT-TRANS
PSI Transcom and Moveo's attendance at IT-TRANS will focus on increasing the availability of personnel and vehicles for public transport com…
Solutions and Principles for Charging Electric Buses
Discover all the possible solutions for recharging electric buses with direct current, depending on the aspects of your vehicle fleet.
Transdev Inaugurates 406 New Electric Buses in Bogotá
Transdev has inaugurated 406 new electric buses in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, adding to the largest electric bus fleet in Latin America.
Victoria to Upskill Mechanics to Work on Zero-Emission Buses
Victoria has invested in a pilot programme to upskill bus diesel mechanics and transport technicians to work on zero-emission electric buses…
F-Gas Certification: Who Needs It and Why?
F-gases were created as an alternative to ozone-depleting substances, but they are still greenhouse gasses that are tightly regulated.
Thank You for Visiting Us at Intertraffic Amsterdam 2022!
Flowbird was delighted to accompany you in your mobility projects, by presenting their latest mobility innovations at Intertraffic Amsterdam…
Pace Purchases Proterra Electric Buses for Suburban Chicago
Pace has awarded a contract to Proterra for 20 Proterra ZX5 Max electric transit buses and two Proterra megawatt-scale fleet chargers.
£7 Billion in Government Funding to Boost UK Bus Services
The UK government has granted funding to 31 areas to level up local bus services outside London as part of the bus transformation programme.
Service Begins on Van Ness BRT Corridor in San Francisco
On 1 April, SFMTA cut the ribbon on San Francisco’s first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor on Van Ness Avenue.
Heliox Marks 100th City Milestone for Successfully Installed Charging Projects
A project for King County Metro marks a first for Heliox – the successful installation of rapid charging solutions for 100 global cities.
How to Adapt Your Infrastructure for Electric Bus Charging
In order to adapt the infrastructure for electric bus charging, it is first necessary to identify the operational needs.
King County Metro Opens Electric Bus Charging Facility
King County Metro has celebrated the opening of a new electric bus charging facility, enabling the launch of their battery-electric bus flee…