The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) is a progressive, democratic and highly professional trade union, a fast growing union with more than 83,000 members from almost every sector of the transport industry – from the mainline and underground railways, shipping and offshore, buses and road freight.

Protecting and bettering our members’ pay and conditions is the key RMT objective. We negotiate with over 150 transport-sector companies – using every opportunity to drive home our positive agenda for better pay, shorter hours and safer working conditions.

RMT promotes and protects their members’ interests in the workplace.

RMT also offers a comprehensive range of services, keeping members up to date with industry developments through the full-colour monthly RMT News, a host of newsletters, and this website.


  • Gives full protection from the moment you sign
  • Better pay
  • Improved conditions
  • Workplace representation
  • Health and safety protection
  • Full range of membership benefits
  • Legal cover – workplace and criminal for you and your family
  • Credit Union
  • Full-colour monthly magazine – RMT News

RMT Busworkers’ Handbook

Every working day RMT bus members contend with government regulation, rules and guidance, as well as directives from the employer in delivering what remains the most used form of public transport.

In 2013-14, there were over 4.7 billion passenger journeys on buses in England but not one of them would have taken place without a licensed, professional bus driver behind the wheel or a skilled maintenance team back at the depot.

That is why RMT bus members asked their union to produce a Busworkers’ Handbook, to provide a comprehensive guide to the rules, regulations and guidance that govern their work in the bus industry. It is also important to remember that different employers have different procedures for complying with the law and you should be sure to obtain any internal documents your employer produces for bus workers.

As well as informing you of your basic rights, entitlements and responsibilities, this handbook underlines the importance of belonging to a dynamic trade union, fighting for the rights of bus members working in a privatised network and the instability that this brings to the industry.

Bus workers know better than anyone else that their industry is subject to regular changes. That is why we intend to make this RMT Busworkers’ Handbook an electronic ‘live’ document which can be updated when changes are made to the regulatory framework governing the industry.

Updates would be cleared through the union’s democratic structures and this approach will ensure that the Busworkers’ Handbook is responsive to changes in the industry and remains relevant and useful to bus members at work now and in the future.


National Union of Rail
Maritime and Transport Workers
Unity House
39 Chalton Street

Visit Website

Call: (+44) 0800 376 3706