SWTA was formed in 1979 to represent transit agencies and others interested in public transit issues. It is a regional transit association serving eight states – Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas.

Membership is open to: transit agencies (urban and rural), state transit associations, state departments of transportation, municipalities, transit consultants, and transit manufacturers and suppliers.

The Mission is to strengthen member’s ability to provide public transportation and mobility services across the region through education, communication, and advocacy.

While the South West Transit Association certainly embraces such standard values as integrity, excellence, honesty, accountability, diversity, and innovation, our planning process identified additional values that make us unique.

SWTA also values:

  • Our regional nature and strength
  • Our culture of friendliness, approachability, and enthusiastic idea sharing
  • Our ability to provide more personal and customized services to members
  • Our no-frills, economical and efficient member services
  • Our ability to have fun and not always take ourselves seriously

About SWTA

  • Education – SWTA delivers relevant and engaging education opportunities for you and for your organization (Transit Law Seminar, Community Mobility Workshop, Marketing Workshop, Customized Onsite Training)
  • Communication – The transit industry evolves daily. Funding, technology, legislation, operational implementation – it’s a vibrant time. SWTA keeps you informed.
  • Advocacy – The South West Transit Association region’s rural and urban composition combined with explosive growth provides opportunities and challenges that are unique. SWTA is your voice.



PO Box 60475
Fort Worth
TX 76115

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Call: +1 817 295 3663